Advantages of Becoming a PIJAC Canada Member

Being a member of PIJAC Canada opens up many doors for you as a business owner. Membership provides you with the resources needed to excel in the pet industry. Gain access to industry statistics and trends, free business counseling, networking resources, industry alerts, and updates, discounted rates on business expenses, and discounted rates on PIJAC’s educational content.

PIJAC represents all different sectors of the Canadian pet industry. This includes pet retailers, manufacturers, distributors, vet clinics, groomers, breeders, and more.

“Being a member of PIJAC Canada and attending the National Pet Industry Trade Show has been imperative to the success of This & That Canine Co. The environment that PIJAC Canada provides by bringing manufacturers, distributors, and retailers together, ensures that all levels within our industry have the ability to thrive in the Canadian marketplace. Thank you PIJAC Canada.”
-Mitch Burko, President & CEO, This and That Canine Company Inc.

If you’re in the pet industry, we’ve got your back! Become a member today by visiting our website here.

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