April 22 to May 8 2020
E-learning topics
PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR: How to Get the Most Out of Your CFIB Membership by Michael Kirwin
Please join us for a discussion of the many benefits of your CFIB membership!
- How to make your voice heard at all levels of government
- Resources available to you and your employees, including online courses and one-on-one advice on HR, Compliance and Regulation issues
- The significant savings you can access through CFIB; payment processing, shipping, banking, payroll processing and more!
Michael Kirwin is the Senior Vice President of Business Development for the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). CFIB is the largest independent business association in Canada with over 110,000 member businesses. Mike has been with CFIB for 29 years and has held a number of positions including General Manager for Southwestern Ontario and then Senior VP Sales, supervising about 200 CFIB salespeople across Canada. Over the last 2 years, Mike has been working to promote the benefits of CFIB membership to franchise groups and associations.
Price: FREE
LINKS & INFORMATION LEAFLET (PDF): Current Regulations Impacting Cannabinoid Products for Pets in Canada (information provided by the Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch of Health Canada)
The Cannabis Regulations and the Industrial Hemp Regulations, which support the Cannabis Act, create a strict framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis and industrial hemp in Canada. A copy of the final regulations for edible cannabis, cannabis extracts, and cannabis topicals is currently available here. Health Canada has published the following guidance documents to assist with the application process:
· Cannabis licensing application guide
· Good Production Practices Guide for Cannabis
· Physical Security Measures Guide for Cannabis
· Industrial hemp licensing application guide; and
· Guidance for health products containing cannabis or for use with cannabis
· Analytical Testing and Research Application Guide
· Cannabis Licence Management Guide
Health Canada is accepting applications under the Cannabis Act and its supporting regulations through its online Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS). Detailed instructions on how to submit an application through the CTLS portal, including the CTLS getting started guide, are available here.
Please note that the CTLS user guide is being shared with individuals only once they receive access to the CTLS.
Health Canada has maintained a distinct system to provide patients with reasonable access to cannabis for medical purposes. The regulations enable individuals who have the support of their health care practitioner (including those under 18 years of age) to access cannabis for medical purposes by purchasing from a federally-licensed seller of cannabis for medical purposes; by cultivating their own cannabis, if they are over the age of 18; or by designating someone to grow cannabis on their behalf.
Detailed instructions on how to access cannabis for medical purposes from federally-licensed sellers are available here.
Detailed instructions on how to register under the Cannabis Regulations to possess or produce cannabis for an individual’s own medical purposes (or designate someone to produce it for them), including the application forms, medical document and safety and security guidelines, are available here.
For more information on the legalization and regulation of cannabis, you can also refer to our website: canada.ca/cannabis.
Price: FREE
Do you want to take your virtual learning even further?
Why not check out PIJAC Canada’s Online Education Programs and continue learning in the comfort of your home! Plus PIJAC Canada Members get one free program per membership year! So hurry, get your free program now!
If you have any questions about our education programs or you want to get your Member PIN for your free program, contact programs@pijacccanada.com.