Expozoo: A record number of visitors

Expozoo 2019 clocked in another successful show with a new record of over 1,200 attendees.  There is something about doing business face to face in this area.  The companies are savvy, passionate about what they do and take full advantage of the show experience.

Spread out over two days and 50,000 square feet, visitors enjoyed getting down to business with 90 onsite exhibitors in over 230 booths. In addition to the main event, show participants also raised a glass to PLB International who celebrate their 50th Anniversary and generously sponsored Sunday’s cocktail party.  A special thank you goes out to Petcurean for the excellent addition of the photobooth kiosque.

The Canadian Pet Industry Awards, sponsored by Street Dog Pet Marketing were handed out to much celebration.  Check out our exciting awards video or article to find out who won.

In a total sweeping surprise, Bio-Biscuit won the visitor’s choice, Best New Product AND Best Booth awards.

It was an exceptional show for our team. With Superzoo happening a few days before Expozoo, it was great to see that with a choice, local businesses came to Expozoo from as far away as PEI and Vancouver.  On behalf of our exhibiting members, Directors and staff we want to thank everyone who chose to attend Expozoo this year. Supporting regional shows helps to safeguard access to products, making sure you can supply the products your clients want.

If you missed the magic of Expozoo 2019, you can join us at the National Pet Industry Trade Show as a visitor or exhibitors in Mississauga, ON, September 15-16 at the International Centre.
Come see our biggest show to date!