Shaping Future Pet Professionals For Success

Well trained pet professionals make for happy healthy clients.  This idea has always been a pillar of our Pet Care Training Programs.  Tera Teng, owner of the Western Dog Grooming School and longtime member of PIJAC Canada has understood this right from the beginning.  For over 15 years she has used our Pet Care Training Programs as a tool to help set her students on the path to success as they continue their professional endeavors in their pet communities. We spoke with Tera about her business and how leveraging PIJAC Canada’s training programs have had a positive ripple effect for her graduates.

PIJAC Canada: “Explain to our readers a bit about the history of Western Dog Grooming School.”

Tera: “Western Dog Grooming School is located in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. The school has been in operation for 17 years and has taught 482 adults to date in the career of dog grooming. Our successful graduates are trained in all aspects of grooming dogs to the CKC breed standards. Our course also trains in the business of dog grooming and also very important, in pet care as it would apply to the groomer. We offer a 12-week full-time, Monday to Friday grooming program.”

PIJAC Canada: “How do you use our Pet Care Training Program with your business? Why do you use our programs in your curriculum?”

Tera: “The PIJAC Canada Canine Pet Care Training Program is offered to our students alongside our curriculum as we feel it is a beneficial credit for them to have. The program supports our lessons on canine husbandry, health, parasites and breed identification. The program supports our curriculum that teaches the importance that a dog groomer needs to have knowledge in pet care. The veterinarian may see the dog only once a year, but the groomer sees the dog four (4) to six (6) times a year on average. It is beneficial for the groomer to have knowledge in pet care to identify potential problems for the owner, not to diagnose, but to suggest possible needs for veterinary care. Many of our graduates eventually be employed by a PIJAC Canada member pet store and having the Canine Specialist Certificate is an added bonus for them. Some of our students also take the Feline Pet Care Training Program as well.”

PIJAC Canada: “What has been the feedback of your students following the program and upon receiving their certificate and pin?”

Tera: “Graduates have said they are happy to show their canine specialist certificate to clients along with their other credentials to illustrate their professional background”

PIJAC Canada: “Thank you Tera for your great feedback! Best of luck to all your future students and looking forward to welcoming them in PIJAC Canada Pet Community!”

If you are interested in learning more about PIJAC Canada’s training programs, visit our website at Or contact Jacynthe Lacroix, our Member Services Manager at