Western Winners Announced for Canadian Pet Community Awards


PIJAC Canada is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 Canadian Pet Community Awards (western region).   The awards were handed out Sunday night in front of a crowd of over 200 at the “Dinner and a Show” event held in conjunction with the Western Canadian Pet Industry Trade Show, in Calgary, Alberta. “Recognizing our leaders helps to ensure a brighter future for our pets.  By highlighting the efforts of trailblazing professionals, others can be inspired to grow their focus on the wellbeing of animals,” says Craig Brummell, PIJAC Canada’s Board Chairman.

Karima Jivraj – Bosley’s par Pet Valu, Dione Albert, Chad McMillan – Open Farm, Brenda Hredil, -Kane Vet Supplies, Corey White – Doodle Dogs, Stephanie Girard – Pres & CEO PIJAC Canada, Robert Church – Director PIJAC Canada

The winners for western Canada are:

  • Independent Retailer Award: Meghan Huchkowsky of  Doodle Dogs
  • Chain Store Retailer Award: Karima Jivraj of Bosley’s by Pet Value (New Westminster)
  • Manufacturers Sales Representative Award: Chad McMillan of Open Farm
  • Distributors Sales Representative Award: Brenda Hredil of Kane Veterinary Supplies

These award winners are exceptional examples of our industry who go above and beyond what their jobs call upon them to do.  This includes things like, public education on pet care and responsible ownership, offering after-service support to clients, involvement in pet-related community events and anything that supports healthy pet experiences

We would like to extend a special thank you to our award sponsor for 2019, Street Dog Pet Marketing.  With their generous support, we have been able to grow the awards this year and highlight more of the Canadian talent we have in our community.

PIJAC Canada would like to extend congratulations to all the nominees for their exemplary dedication to pets and those that serve them:
Pisces Pet Emporium – Michael & Peter Hoeper
Fairplay Stores – Christine Nurse
Homes Alive Pet – Evan Ropp
Nick Florian – FirstMate Pet Foods
Thomas Gronberg – Anipet Animal Supplies
Paul McGrath – Burgham Sales Ltd
Kim Mahy – Burgham Sales Ltd

The Canadian Pet Community Award Nomination process for Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes will open in June. Follow PIJAC Canada on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or Twitter for updates and be ready to submit your nominee.  The next round of awards will be handed out at Expozoo in August and the National Pet Industry Trade Show in September.