PIJAC Canada is an organization which offers resources, guidance and best practice recommendations. We believe in empowering pet businesses by giving you the tools to succeed at what you do. First and foremost, this success means providing the highest level of care for pets in our communities through reputable products, services and business practices. We focus on creating useful material and developing tools to help our members achieve this goal.
COVID-19 Resources
Pet Care
Animal Welfare is Everyone’s Business
New Addition To The Family? (PDF leaflet)
Why Do Pets End Up in Shelters?
NCAC Recognized RFID Products Updated Jan 24, 2017 (PDF document)
Habitattitude website
Invasive species
Pet Legislation
Sample municipal bylaw regulating the keeping and controlling of companion animals
An enlightened approach to companion animal control for Canadian municipalities
Reducing the Incidence of Dog Bites and Attacks: Do Breed Bans Work? (PDF document)
Exotic animal policy
Other resources
Recommended space requirements for dogs kept in a pet retail environment
Recommended space requirements for cats kept in a pet retail environment
Recommended space requirements for birds kept in a pet retail environment
Recommended space requirements for ornamental fish/aquatics kept in a pet retail environment
Recommended space requirements for reptiles kept in a pet retail environment
Recommended space requirements for juvenile small animals kept in a pet retail environment
PIJAC Canada’s statement on the responsible sale of pets