International Center, Hall 5, Mississauga, Ontario
September 15, 2019 from 10am to 6pm
September 16, 2019 from 10am to 5pm
Schedule of events
Sunday September 15 2019 - To be determined
9am – 9:45am CFIB Breakfast Seminar by Dan Kelly, President of CFIB
Join us for a free breakfast and talk before the show on Sunday. New this year, PIJAC Canada is investing in a Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) group membership. This program which is packed with savings, support and benefits will be accessible to all PIJAC members and includes:
• Access to a team of Business Counsellors, providing advice on HR, government compliance and regulations. Support on labour issues and tax laws.
• Savings on banking, credit card processing, shipping and many other essential business services
• Webinars and over 45 online training courses such as workplace health & safety, drug and alcohol policy and anti-spam legislation.
PIJAC members can now access all of this for free! Dan Kelly will explain in further details the benefits and answers your questions to allow you to take full advantage of this gift from PIJAC Canada.
Price: Free
Monday September 16 2019 - Aviation Room B
9am – 9:50am – Omnichannel and Beyond: The Shifting Sales Landscape for Dog & Cat Products and Services by David Sprinkle, Research Director at Packaged Facts
The North American pet industry is being transformed by changing mentalities about pets and pet care, with pet health and wellness concerns being broadened and redefined. Pet parenting, pet ownership, generational, and omnichannel shopping trends have permanently broken down traditional industry boundaries, such that pet products and services are increasingly an “onmimarket,” with product manufacturers and retailers addressing competition but also opportunities from all fronts. With e-commerce sales dominating pet industry headlines, big-box retailers increasingly look to reorient and differentiate, including through involvement with veterinary and non-medical pet services. At the same time, pet chains other than pet superstores PetSmart and Petco, including Canadian/U.S. operators, are reshaping the pet specialty store landscape. Focusing on the dog and cat category consumer insights, this data-rich presentation tracks these evolving patterns and their implications for pet industry manufacturers, retailers, and service providers alike.
David Sprinkle is the research director for Packaged Facts, which publishes industry-leading research reports on the pet and vet industries. He manages Packaged Facts’ consumer survey and webinar program, contributes a monthly consumer insights column to Petfood Industry, and provides articles or interviews to pet industry media such as PETS International, PFI (Pet Food Institute) Monitor, SupplySide Animal Nutrition Insights, and Today’s Veterinary Business. He gives conference presentations annually Global Pet Expo and Petfood Forum, as well as at events such as AVMA Economic Summit, China International Pet Show, National Pet Industry Trade Show (Canada), Natural Products Expo, PIJAC Pet Industry Leadership Conference, PLMA Trade Show, SuperZoo, VetHealth Global, and VMX.
Price: Free
Monday September 16 2019 - Aviation Room B
1pm – 2pm Animal Nutrition: Science and Emotion! How to navigate through it all without losing your mind! by Sophie Lavallée M.Sc. Agronomist
This seminar relates to the scientific process versus emotional component when pet nutrition is concerned. This presentation is mainly for pet stores and service providers who work closely with pet owners who are often concerned about what they read and hear about online. The goal of this seminar is to demystify and let pet professionals and pet owners have a more critical eye when information appears online. How to recognize and make the distinction between scientific facts that are based on proof and anecdotal stories that are so ubiquitous and misleading in the pet nutrition world. How we need science to go up against biased information. Examples on pet obesity, taurine deficiency and the link with the recent cases of cardiac disease (DCM) and grain free recipes will be discussed through a scientific eye.
Sophie has a Masters in Animal Sciences and monogastric nutrition at McGill University – Macdonald Campus. She is passionate about pet food innovation with a research and development expertise of more than 18 years, in which 5 of those years spent exclusively developing new complete and balanced food recipes for cats and dogs. She is most interested in the scientific aspect of living creatures and the proper use of resources. Her active role in the marketing of new products and to improve renowned brands enables her to consolidate her knowledge on the subject. Now an independent professional, she offers consulting services for pet food startup companies to help them offer the best products that meet known nutrition standards.