Take advantage of the airline discount codes found below. These codes are valid for all three of PIJAC Canada Trade Shows.
Discount is applied to flights 1 week before and 1 week after the show
Vancouver: V35BF36
Drummondville: V35BF36
Toronto: V35BF36
WestJet offers 5% off Econo* and 10% off EconoFlex and Premium fares for travel within Canada and 2% off Econo*, 5% off EconoFlex and 10% off Premium base fares for guests travelling Trans-border.
Vancouver: F8TXGBP1
Drummondville: FAMC3AR1
Toronto: FDQKBRN1
Air Canada offers 5% standard fares, 10% flex & up for North America. They offer 10% on standard fares & up for International Travel.